Mental Health Risk Awareness for Parents

We train you to recognise a mental health crisis before it happens

A gatekeeper is a person who is in a special position to recognise the warning signs that someone is entering a mental health crisis and may even be contemplating suicide. Gatekeepers can be anyone but as parents you are best positioned strategically to recognise and assist your child or teenager at risk from a mental health crisis. We train you so you can recognise and understand the warning signs BEFORE they become a crisis. Our training also covers how to reduce the risk factors affecting your child and increase the protective factors that provide support.

The more parents who are trained the more mental health risks amongst groups of friends can be reduced and crises can be caught early and successfully managed.

Just Three Hours

Our Mental Health Risk Awareness training sessions take just three hours out of your day but could help prevent a crisis in your family.

Training Materials

We provide you with everything you need for the training session. You will also receive a course handbook and wallet card to take away.

Experienced Trainers

Your trainers on the day also work in secondary schools around the country providing face to face training and support to around 14,000 to students & teachers a year. Our training is up-to-date, relevant and practical.

Certificated Training

Each participant receives a training certificate to show that they have completed our Mental Health Risk Awareness training. Please show it to your friends to encourage them to get trained as well.

Next Available Training Courses

We are holding three additional public training sessions which currently have available places. Two will be Introductory courses suitable for parents, teachers and youth workers and one will be a Training Trainers course. All training sessions will be held in the Galleria Suite, Beacon Hotel Sandyford, and last no more than 3 hours.
Main Speaker: Dr Keith Holmes, child & adolescent psychiatrist, Lucena Clinic Rathgar
  • Thursday 6th December          9.30am to 12.30pm
    Mental Health Risk Awareness for Parents - Introductory
    Cost €90.00
    Book Event
  • Thursday 6th December          1pm to 4pm
    Mental Health Risk Awareness for Parents - Introductory
    Cost €90.00
    Book Event
  • Friday 7th December          1pm to 4pm
    Mental Health Risk Assessment for Parents - Trainer
    Cost €140.00
    Book Event
For more information 1800 828 030

Group Training

If you would like to organise training workshops for your company, school or organisation we are delighted to facilitate that for you where possible. Please contact us to make a booking or for more information.

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Team Workshops

Team workshops are ideal for groups of up to 15 participants. Participants should be over 18 and from the same organisation.

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Larger Groups

If you have a larger group we can provide training for up to 40 participants. Additional participants will need to be split into separate groups.

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Executive Workshops

Our training for executives emphasises the importance of top down participation. This workshop emphasises strategy and planning.

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Personal Study

We are also able to provide a personal study programme which can be done online. The revised programme will be available January 2019.

Upcoming Training

We are holding other training sessions around the country. For more information you can contact us on
  1800 828 030

What makes us different?

When you buy our training services you are also funding our parent charity's life-saving work in schools and colleges.


Mental Health Training Ireland is wholly owned by Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland, a registered charity. All the profits from our training courses are used to fund the charity's free mental health awareness and suicide prevention training direct to students in schools and colleges around the country.


The same facilitators who work in schools and colleges around the country every week are the facilitators for your course. They bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and practical skills to our courses.


Mental Health Training Ireland has been at the cutting-edge of mental health awareness and suicide prevention training for the last 10 years. Our training courses are designed for real world situations such as recognising that a child or teenager is in crisis and knowing what to do about it.

  • Mental Health Risk Assessment
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Suicide Awareness & Prevention
  • QPR Training
  • APC Training
  • Active Listening
  • Executive Stress Management
  • First Responder Training
  • Suicide Awareness for Media Professionals

Our Structure

Mental Health Training Ireland is a registered trading name of Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland Publications Limited, a limited liability company registered in the Republic of Ireland with the Company Registration Office under registration 537384. Our Registered Office is at 59 High Street, Killarney, County Kerry V93 N977. Our Directors are Anthony Philpott and Alan McKelvie. Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland Publications Limited is wholly owned by the Trustees of Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland, Registered Charity 20070670.

Contact Us

Please use this for to contact us. We will normally respond within 60 minutes during office hours. If you want a callback then please leave your mobile number.

You can also contact us on
  1800 828 030
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Training Catalogue 2019

The latest 2019 version of our Training Catalogue is now available to download, order or read online.

Our training catalogue has full descriptions of all our training courses, their recommended user groups and course duration. The training level of each course is also given: introductory, intermediate, advanced and trainer training.

Please select your delivery method below. If you would like a paper version sent by post please click the order button and request an order form.

   Download the Catalogue    Order a Catalogue    Read the Catalogue